The USACE is now in process of accepting public comments on the work plan that they have put together for the Ocotillo Wells and Borrego Springs areas for the investigation and removal of munitions that were left from the use of this land during WWII for a practice bombing range.
Good News for Most
After several years of not being successful in getting clear and unambiguous answers about how GP2020 (GPU) will affect my property it seems that if hundreds of concerned landowners call, write, email, and show up at meetings the importance on clarifying things and supplying statements that commit the DPLU gets elevated.
Prior to the meeting on Nov. 6th my emails were not even replied to now I (we) get quick and thorough explanations.
Please see my usual legal IanaL (I am not a Lawyer) disclaimer at the bottom. Continue reading
Yes read all the posts here and comment on them please! But there are so many folks with great information that we can all share and discuss that needs to be put out there.
Don’t Monkey around. Go. Start a new subject. Add to an already going subject. Meet your neighbors.
Top 10 dumb things NEW RURAL LANDOWNERS do
Hey, I was a new owner once also. So I am not trying to be pompous here just listing the things you will be saying about those newbies in a few years….
10. Fail to realize they are the newcomers to an established community.
9. Fail to understand that your property and your life depend on how well you treat your neighbors.
8. Shoot at people for trespassing ( see THIS)
7. Make booby traps or trench across a path (See Prison Time)
6. Think that if somebody does not use an easement for 5 years it has been abandoned and they fence it.
5. Look at their deed and think it would have any and all easements on it. (see THIS)
4. Put in their well before figuring out where their septic will go.
3. Build a fence to protect themselves from liability see THIS and California Civil Code § 846
2. Fence a property with barbed wire (cattle ranchers now use high tensile wire and thieves just cut it)
1. Build a fence across a documented easement. (average legal cost = $73,000)
Report: DPLU Hearing Nov 6
Two Steps Forward One Step Back — — —
As advertised the meeting was the General Plan Staff presenting to the commissioners and “interested parties” and the community groups presenting afterward. I will fill in details later.
Of interest is what happens in the hallway. (isn’t it always that way?)
Maps were posted along the hallway (different looking than any that I have seen before) and there were at times people around to answer questions. (No badges or identification that these folks were anything other than general public. ) The first time I stopped a group was talking with Mr. S from zoning. Mr. S was explaining that they had no plans to change the zoning in Ocotillo Wells. I was puzzled and mentioned that I was confused by conflicting information from building, zoning, and County Supervisors that I have contacted. Nope Mr. S was clear that they had no plans to change the zoning out there (moving his hand over Ocotillo Wells.)
After the break I meet another person at the map answering questions for a concerned woman. This new person explains that the areas in cross hatch on Ocotillo Wells is what is going to be changed and the solid areas are fixed. Getting clarification on this she says that the areas in cross hatch are what is changed from one of the four maps being considered the area that is solid is the same on all maps being considered.
OH! Continue reading
GP2020 PUBLIC comment ended Nov. 20 2009
To speak email: with your name, email address, phone number, and community (Ocotillo Wells) for a speaking time now.
The enviro nuts are about to get their way and zone Ocotillo Wells out of existence with 40 acre and 160 acre minimums for building! They are doing this as quietly as possible. Get pissed, go to the meeting, and tell them NO WAY!
The plan change is inevitable. The density zoning is still up for discussion for a small window of time. Continue reading
Criminally Stupid Water rule!
If you thought it was just about zoning density think again. There is another back door property grabbing effort underway in the proposed GP2020 plan. The proposed plan will require each parcel to be able to supply all of it’s water needs through rainfall on the parcel itself as a measure of the ability of the aquifer to be replenished. This is total nonsense from a hydrology and watershed / Aquifer management perspective. (AND THEY KNOW IT!) All aquifers are replenished by the watershed that feeds them not just the parcels above them. Every hydrologist KNOWS THIS! If this is not a bald face exposure of the true intention of the DPLU I do not know what is.
The Ocotillo Lower Felipe Watershed contains 322,709 ACRES! With a average rainfall of 3.6 inches that comes to 96,812 acrefeet of water. The only demand on the aquifer fed by this is Ocotillo Wells.
Bombs Under Foot?
Is there a bomb on your lot?
Tons and tons of bombs and munitions were dropped on Ocotillo Wells back in WWII. While most of these probally exploded and hopefully they were all near their intended target I personally have seen some very far from the “targets” shown on the maps that are available on the military site for the Borrego Impact Area
Now you actually have a reason to get that Metal Detector! Continue reading
Caught in government’s vise: making a “willing seller”
By Henry Lamb
web posted May 23, 2005
For years, Jesse James Hardy tried valiantly to avoid the day when the State of Florida would take his 160-acre “patch of heaven,” 30 miles east of Naples. He spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in engineering studies and legal fees, trying to convince the state that his land was not necessary to the Everglades Restoration Project. The state disagreed.
The court ordered one final mediation session between Jesse and the State to see if Jesse would become a “willing seller,” rather than another victim of eminent domain. The courts had already taken the land of nearly 17,000 other landowners. Jesse was the last hold-out in a 55,000 acre parcel which lies 50 miles from the Everglades.
Jesse was accompanied by two attorneys, one of whom had filed an extensive lawsuit on Jesse’s behalf, alleging a variety of illegal actions on the part of state and federal agencies. The other attorney was an eminent domain specialist.
“We can win this, Jesse, if you can just hang on,” one attorney advised. Of course, there was no guarantee that Jesse would win, and the case, filed in federal court, could take years. Jesse’s only income, besides a small disability check he receives from the military, was the sale of dirt from the excavation of what he planned to be four, 20-acre fishing lakes he was building on his property.
Collier County approved the four-lake plan three years ago, but after the state declared it wanted the land, the state asked the county to withdraw the permit. The county complied, and refused to renew Jesse’s permit, leaving him with no source of income, or any hope of completing his dream.
There was no way Jesse could “hang on” for the years it would take for a final decision on his lawsuit.
The state had offered Jesse as much as $27,500 per acre for his land. But when Jesse looked around the area for comparable land, prices ranged from $50,000 to $100,000 per acre. He could not replace his land for the price the state offered.
The other attorney pointed out to Jesse, that there was no doubt that the court would take the land. The only question was the amount of “just compensation” the court would pay, and that decision would be made by a jury, not of Jesse’s peers, but jurors selected from affluent retirees.
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For years, local media have portrayed Jesse as a stubborn hermit, living in a shack in a wilderness, who in blocking the all-important Everglades Restoration Project. A jury would not likely be sympathetic with Jesse’s values.
The marathon negotiating session lasted until 10:30 pm, when Jesse finally became a “willing seller:” he agreed to accept $4.95 million, about $31,000 per acre. He has to vacate the property by December 1.
The money was not paid to Jesse, but to the court, in order to ensure that all outstanding claims against Jesse would be paid. Claims are being filed that Jesse says he does not owe. The money is tied up, and the judge has scheduled a hearing for June 26. In the meantime, Jesse has no resources to arrange for another place to live. He doesn’t even know how much will be left, or when it will be available.
Prior to the settlement, the county would not allow Jesse to sell the dirt from his excavations after his permit expired last year. Now, however, by arrangement with the state, the county is allowing a contractor to haul away the dirt.
Jesse is angry. He watched the county, state, and federal governments conspire to deprive him of his home and his dreams for the future. The price at which he became a “willing seller,” is well below replacement costs, but above the amount he would likely have gotten from a jury or a court decree.
Jesse is just another victim of government’s relentless quest to acquire private property. There are similar cases in progress in virtually every state, which do not get the publicity Jesse has generated. Once government gets private property in its cross-hairs, few people have the money, the time, or the expertise to mount a defense. The entire saga of Jesse’s years-long battle is recorded at his web site.
Henry Lamb is the executive vice president of the Environmental Conservation Organization (ECO), and chairman of Sovereignty International.
Other related stories: (open in a new window)
Jesse’s last strike by Henry Lamb (November 1, 2004)
All across the United States the rights of landowners are being sacrificed to the whims of environmentalists. Henry Lamb reports on one of those victims, Jesse Hardy of Florida
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Landowners are Protected from Recreational Use Lawsuits
No matter how stupid Riders and others Recreating on the land are… See the entire article at the AMERICIAN TRAILS site
Specifically it is: California Civil Code Part 2, Title 3, Chapter 2, OBLIGATIONS OF OWNERS 840 – 848
4. Right to Reimbursement of Legal Fees: California Civil Code § 846.1
Landowners have failed to take advantage of this protection, enacted in 1996. It provides private land owners and public land trusts with the right to seek reimbursement of attorneys’ fees incurred in defending actions brought by recreational users. Up to $25,000 can be paid by the State Board of Control if certain requirements are met.
Calling All Easements
Yours Truly has put together a complete set of access easements for several roads in Ocotillo Wells. Please Please help with the effort. Several things to know about easements that are often misunderstood.
1. An Easement is not on my deed so one does not exist. A Deed is a transfer of interest and does not have to include all other encumbrances and easements of record. Usually a title search will uncover easements of record but most title companies now are so lazy that they only go back 60 years and most easements in Ocotillo Wells date from the 1920’s.
2. A parcel can be landlocked. There has only been one instance of a court allowing a parcel to remain landlocked in the history of California. Easement disputes only accomplish two things; They make lawyers very wealthy for very little work and they make enemies out of neighbors.
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“Doc” Woillard’s Little Miracle Hotel Waited
As the Depression grew on “Doc” Woillard was rumored to be the last man in Little Borrego before he left. Here he is standing in front of the Little Miracle Hotel in what is now Little Borrego off of Split Mountain Road. Below is a little flyer selling the lots in Little Borrego back in the day. Let’s see if we can keep the tree huggers from stopping Doc’s dream for the most eastern outpost of San Diego County.
Flying in
Hey, I just liked the photo. I drive in and out just like you do. Right behind some slow poke draining his water tank.

GP2020 Claims Stakeholders Input is Over
Did they contact you? Did they tell you that they want to make your land useless? Do you think that you are a stakeholder in this process? What happens after they vote next Fall? Will they tell you then what they did and claim that you had years to get involved? Are you going to sit by and let them do this? …. Oh sure the plan will not immediately change the zoning. But very soon after the plan is approved the zoning is required to come in line with the new plan.
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Some of the above comes from Herche’s Blog Disclaimer.
I can only provide my opinions, thoughts, and ideas. Your opinions, thoughts, and ideas are just as good as mine. You should always make your own decisions and/or seek professional advice before implementing my thoughts, opinions, ideas or what I say. You have no reason to believe anything I believe or say. I am just a ordinary person, like you. All pictures, logos, and copyrighted materials are property of their respective owners/companies. I am not responsible for any comments left on this blog. I am not responsible for any content of advertising clicked from this blog. I am not a lawyer and do not take any responsibility for rashes, financial ruin, or anything else that follows from applying this information. All content is strictly prohibited from being republished unless proper approval is received from me. If you like a story and would like to send it to someone via email, you may do so. I am not responsible for any accuracy of website content nor take responsibility of any content. You should assume that I benefit from showing advertising on this website. I am not responsible for any advertising content.
Main Street but which one?
There are two Main Streets in Ocotillo Wells. Just one more thing we are going to have to get together and sort out. There is the Main Street in Little Borrego that is directly in line with the brick mailbox structure on the east-west section of Split Mountain Road / Kane Springs Road. It is clearly mentioned as Main on several plat maps of the parcels. Then there is the Main Street that is signed as such on both sides of Highway 79 one mile west of Split Mountain Road. Can you hear the 911 call for that fireplace poker injury now? We gotta sort this kind of stuff out. Continue reading
Land Rights Stolen with GP2020
If you do not know what GP2020 is I am sorry to be the one to bring it to your attention. GP2020 is the proposed new General Plan for San Diego County that will down zone all of Ocotillo Wells as well as most of the unincorporated parts of the county. The Environmental movement has pressured SD County to stop growth in the back country for years and the new general plan has been hijacked by them. This plan has been several years in the workings and has been labeled as the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the United States as it devalues land in the eastern part of SD county and increases zoning density and thus land value in the western part of the county.
Thankfully it has been delayed many times. Take a look at the map below and it’s legend and see that they intend to stop all building in Ocotillo Wells. The entire map is at DESERT MAP.
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